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Nero/Serapis Egypt Alexandria Tetradrachm

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Coins & Paper Money
Coins: Ancient
Roman: Provincial (100-400 AD)
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JUDAEA, Jewish War. 66-70 CE. AR Shekel 21mm 14.23 gr Jerusalem mint NGC Graded


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NGC Prutah Pontius Pilate PROCURATOR OF JUDEA Sentenced Jesus Christ to Cross MG



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Crucifixion of Jesus Christ Coin Judaea, Pontius Pilate; Under Tiberius, 26-36 C



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HUGE Macrinus 217-218 AD, Roman Empire SILVER Bi Tetradrachm EMESA Coin NGC Fine


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Judaea, Herod I the Great; 40-4 BC, 2 Prutot, 3.27g. Hendin-1178a Roman Coin COA



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Gordian III PISIDIA, Antiochia AE 32 VF


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Caracalla MOESIA INFERIOR, Nicopolis ad Istrum AE28 ex-CNG


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Syria Antioch Elagabalus AD 218-222 BI Tetradrachm Eagle Wreath NGC Ancients VF


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NGC AU BI Double Denarius of Tetricus I ROMANO-GALLIC EMPIRE NGC Antoninianus



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NGC Valerius Gratus AD15-26 Bronze Prutah Judaea GOVERNOR DURING LIFE OF JESUS



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VERY RARE DATE L-A None Online EGYPT. Alexandria. Probus MS Bold Roman Coin wCOA



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37-44 AD Judaea Agrippa AE Prutah Biblical Money of the Bible NGC Ancient F Coin


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Augustus Macedon, Thessalonica AE19 Divus Julius Caesar


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Roman Provincial Thrace, Hadrianopolis Gordian III 238-244AD AE 24 VF


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Roman Provincial Geta Moesia Inferior, Nicopolis AE29 VF Eagle


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JUDAEA. Agrippa I.(52-59).Jerusalem.Ae. Obv : BACIΛEWC AΓPIΠA . Umbrella



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Gordian III Egypt, Alexandria BL Tetradrachm 242/243 AD VF


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Roman Provincial Gordian III Hadrianapolis City Gate VF


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Gallienus Egypt, Alexandria VF billon tetradrachm


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AUGUSTUS Provincial AE25 Uncertain Eastern Mint Ancient Roman Coin Wreath


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Roman Provincial Julia Mamaea Macedon, Thessalonica AE24 @VF


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Nero/Serapis Egypt Alexandria Tetradrachm


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Nero/Tiberius egypt, Alexandria AR Tetradrachm


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283 Probus Egypt Roman Alexandria Tetradrachm VF Dikaiosyne Year 2 (24121401R)


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HIGH Relief, Amazing Bust. CAPPADOCIA. Caesarea. Hadrian (117-138 AD). AR. a2541


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Nero/Hera Egypt Alexandria Tetradrachm


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Nero/Poppaea Sabina Egypt Alexandria Tetradrachm


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CARACALLA + GETA Provincial AE18 Carrhae Ancient Roman Coin Star Crescent


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JUDAEA Alex. Jannaeus 103-76 BC AE Prutah Biblical Ancient Widow's Mite NGC N061


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Diocletian Egypt Alexandria Potin Tetradrachm VF


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JUDAEA coin - Prutah - Hasmoneans - John Hyrcanus I (135-104 BC) #t50


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JUDAEA coin - Prutah - Hasmoneans - John Hyrcanus I (135-104 BC) #T997


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Roman Provincial Rhoemetalkes I Augustus Capricorn AE19


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Roman Provincial Tranquillina Thrace, Deultum AE22 F/F


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Carinus Egypt Alexandria Potin Tetradrachm VF


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Probus Egypt Alexandria Potin Tetradrachm VF


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Maximian Egypt Alexandria Potin Tetradrachm


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Roman Provincial coin - Seleucis Pieria - Elagabalus (AD 218-222) Elagabal @b218


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Silvered Probus (AD 276-282). Antioch AE Antoninianus (21,3mm 3,6g). a2542


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Ancient Roman Coin Certified Authentic. Over 1500 Years Old!


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Julia Mamaea (mother of S. Alexander) Æ of Bostra, Arabia. AD 222-235AD. a2508


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Probus Egypt Alexandria Potin Tetradrachm


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Diocletian Egypt Alexandria Potin Tetradrachm


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CAPPADOCIA. Caesarea. Antoninus Pius (138–161 AD) AE Bronze (19,9mm 7,1g). a2532


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IONIA. Ephesos. Gordian III (238-244 AD) AE Bronze (24.1mm). Apis Bull. a2528


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Antoninus Pius Æ of Alexandria, Egypt 138-161 AD. Deity Seated 25 mm, 8.32 gr


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